Friday, April 20, 2012

Motorskill Activity for Munchkins

A fun & cheap activity for your munchkin - All items are from the dollar store!

Pouf balls
Ice Cube Tray or something similar to sort/hold the balls
Bowl/Container to store the pouf balls

This helps to sort colors, counting, and simply placing an item in a space.

An activity we do at least two times a week. The Munchkins love it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DIY Home Fabric & Air Freshener

This is basically a Febreeeeze like recipe.

It works great and does the exact same thing as the store bought stuff.

A friend of mine actually gave me the recipe - I was always complaining about my shopping trips and the ONE item I would ALWAYS forget - febreze! HA! So she gave me this recipe and within 10 minutes, I had already made my first bottle!

I've been using it for months now and have been very happy with my mixture.

Empty Spray Bottle (99 Cent Store has these)
1/8 Cup Fabric Softener ( I use my homemade fabric softener! Get the recipe here)
2 TBS Baking Soda

Add Baking Soda and fabric softener to empty spray bottle.
Fill rest of bottle with HOT tap water.

Shake to mix.

And let the home and family breathe freshhhhh!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easy Homemade Fabric Softener

A life saver of mine is homemade fabric softener.  Since I rarely use the dryer and hang dry my clothes European style, I have found fabric softener helps with the stiffness associated with hang drying.  I'm not exactly fond of paying extra cash for this stuff when I can make it on my own and customize it as well!
It's just about the easiest product I've made and it's saved me tons of money - plus it helps to make my homemade fabric and air freshener!

6 Cups Water
3 Cups White Vinegar
2 Cups of your favorite smelling conditioner (I buy the SunSilk conditioner from the 99 cent store, it smells great!)

In a large mixing bowl add water and vinegar then conditioner.  Stir and mix.  I gently agitate it until most of the conditioner has broken down and dissolved.  It is perfectly fine if there are chunks and clumps of the conditioner it will dissolve and mix in the wash anyways :]

 Pour into your Jar/Jug (I used an old Snuggle jug) and you're set!

Another great line of inexpensive awesome smelling conditioners are from Suave.

Back to the munchkins!