Monday, July 23, 2012

Dr. Suess Rocked My Childhood!

Lately, reading time with the munchkins has swerved from Crayola & Life Lesson books to the crazy silly world of Dr. Suess.

I LOVE Dr. Suess books & I LOVE reading them to my wee ones - It's so much fun.

When I look back at my childhood, movies were always Disney, but the books were always Dr. Suess - and now I watch my munchkins giggle and smile at the silly rhymes and ideas of Dr. Suess.

'J' enjoys listening to me too - All the tongue twisters while reading - is pretty entertaining to all of them :]

Among the many quotes of Dr. Suess - My most favorite:

I emphasize this quote a lot in my home :]

Doesn't really matter what you read - as long as you're reading, you're exercising your mind and learning!

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