Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Infamous Crayon Melt Board

So I saw so many variations of this craft via Pinterest quite a few months ago.

About a week after seeing it so many times on the pin boards I went out and bought a large box of crayons and a science poster board at the dollar store.

Fast forward to 4 months later.

I still had the blank poster board and box of crayons!
...Really? [you may wonder]


So last week, I had some free time and decided TODAY IS THEE DAY!

Took out my glue gun and glued the crayons in random order {I kind of just threw them on the board - its going in the playroom anyway - mixing it up looked like it would turn out cool}

The Hubs ''J'' helped out a bit too. Funny though I told him we needed to do this in the garage because I read that it can get messy.  J for some reason didn't believe me {how do you not know blow drying crayons wont get messy?!}

I insisted we do this in the garage and so we set out - blow dryer in hand - he held the board while I blow

Totally not my picture, I forgot to snap one during my blow dry :/

I do have to say it was so cool watching the colors drip and flow and do cool color mixtures.

Can I say something to J?

BOOOOOYAA - it was messy!

okay, not as messy as I had told him.  I kind of blew it up and exaggerated a bit, BUT it wouldn't have gone well had we did this in the kitchen.

Turned out pretty cool I'd say :]

I ended up taking all the crayons off and cutting the board and now I am in search of a cool frame to put it in.

Maybe in 4 months Ill get around to making a frame?
I did see some cool crayon melts on black boards instead of white. May have to try this one and see...most likely in 4 more months! HA!